Fördejahr – Week 12: One year between Germany and Denmark
No exotic place for this week - just a view of Flensburg harbour by night, as seen from a more unusual angle, from the more industrial area of the eastern side. This is a popular spot for fishers and, as it turned out while we were there taking photos, young adults...

Fördejahr – Week 11: One year between Germany and Denmark
Phew, I'm two weeks behind! All because I didn't have much chance to go out and take the kind of photos I want for this series (or when I had, I didn't like them...). But now I'm on holidays (yay) and will try to catch up. For the beginning, here is a photo from...

Fördejahr – Week 10: One year between Germany and Denmark
The weather remains interesting here. Today we had a mix of everything again at the Flensburger Förde. Sun, rain, hail, some snowflakes. Clouds of all forms, colors and sizes were passing by and changing the scene constantly. Here are some seconds at the mouth of...

Fördejahr – Week 9: One year between Germany and Denmark
Here is one typical inhabitant of the Flensburger Förde: A European herring gull, Silbermöwe in German, hanging out on a pole in Flensburg harbour, in front of the ever picturesque tower of Altes Gymnasium high school.

Fördejahr – Week 8: One year between Germany and Denmark
Sometimes, even on grey and rainy days, nature presents you with a spectacular display. All day the wind had been chasing clouds across the sky, but it was at the end of the day that some openings in the clouds let the light shine through for just a couple of minutes,...