Fördejahr – Week 36: One year between Germany and Denmark
One last photo to close the year: Cormorants at Holnis. December 31st seems to be the darkest day of this year, cloudy and misty and with strong winds challenging my new lens at 600mm. This ends my series about the Flensburger Förde. Sadly, I didn't get to take all 52...

Fördejahr – Week 35: One year between Germany and Denmark
Well that was a long break. Finally, this week I had the chance to go down to the water again, to take a photo of what is probably the most photographed object in Flensburg these days: The Christmas tree floating at the end of Flensburg harbour. After a quick shopping...

Fördejahr – Week 34: One year between Germany and Denmark
We're leaving the Förde just for a little while for this one to visit the harbour of Gråsten in Denmark. It is positioned at a little inlet, which joins the Förde at Egernsund (a small town which can be seen in the distance). Gråsten palace is the summer residence of...

Fördejahr – Week 33: One year between Germany and Denmark
This photo was taken two weeks ago already, I didn't have a chance to post it before my holidays (which end tonight...). The first stormy autumn day at one of the old rows of poles that are typical for the Flensburger Förde, between Glücksburg and Holnis. Some...

Fördejahr – Week 32: One year between Germany and Denmark
Mute swans are some of the more common birds inhabiting the Flensburger Förde. This week I met a family with four siblings who made it through the summer - so nice to see! Three of them presented themselves nicely against the Danish coast in the gorgeous post-sunset...