So here we are, once again back at the beginning. After quickly putting together this new website before my first exhibition in April we now went through it more calmly to fix some annoyances and add some overall improvements to it. A big thanks to Van for spending hours on it the last weeks!

Visitors will be greeted by this lovely kingfisher and a selection of some more photos from my portfolio. I love that the image is almost fullscreen, with the menu appearing only after scrolling down a bit (what do you think of this?).

In the Galleries I show a selection of my favorite images, and also provide a look back at my now finished exhibition (which might be opening in some other place sometime soon). One improvement for the near future will be a more mobile (touch) friendly way to scroll through the photos.

I also have some ideas for this blog to come back to life, which are still breeding in a more remote part of my brain. As soon as they get more shape I will announce it here.

For now enjoy stolling through the galleries and let me know if there is anything bothering you or not working (or also specially awesome ;) ). I’m happy about any kind of feedback (and please let me know which devic you are on)! Also: How is the site speed working out for you?



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