Last week I had the great pleasure to take photos of this little, two months old seal in the zoo of St. Peter-Ording. An author got a sponsorship for it, as it has the name of one seal in his book.
When we entered the small “backstage” area with the pool for the seal, it was totally fearless and came to see who is coming there. It swam immediately to it’s new “uncle” and was very interested in the camera. What cuteness!
Photo data: Pentax K20D, Pentax DA 18-55 mm AL II lens at 18 mm, f8, 1/200 second and ISO 200. Shot with a touch of flash in High-Speed Sync mode.
ohhhh that is so sweet ! Did you cuddle him ? I would love to do that once in my life ….
Well I got my finger close to him and he almost bit it! I decided to continue taking photos instead ;-)