Photo of the Day: Woodwork

Photo of the Day: Woodwork

This altar is a miracle. It is from the 16th century and shows Jesus life with 392 figures carved from wood. Ant it is huge – more then 12 meters high. It was originally in the church of the Bordesholm monastery close to Kiel, but was moved to Schleswig in the...
Photo of the Day: Decorative

Photo of the Day: Decorative

Now it happened… yesterday I didn’t have any chance to post a photo, too much going on (and that on a saturday!). Well, but here comes the sunday edition: The church St. Pankratius in Oldenswort has it’s roots in the end of the 13th century. The...
Photo of the Day: Looking out

Photo of the Day: Looking out

This little face is part of a bench beside the altar of Oldenswort church on the Eiderstedt peninsula, and it is actually looking out of the window. The colorful flowers made a nice background and offered a little contrast to the somehow sentimental expression of the...