Photo of the Day: Delicate Deco

Photo of the Day: Delicate Deco

A photo of the decoration on our kitchen table. We have some dried little flowers and other plants in a small vase there – always in danger of being munched by our cat, Lumi. Photo data: Pentax K20D, 50 mm manual lens, f1.7, 1/100 second and ISO 500. Share this...
Photo of the Day: Closed for Winter

Photo of the Day: Closed for Winter

I am not sure what kind of plant this is, but it sure looks interesting. This plant rolls in when it dies in late autumn and leaves this ball-like forms. I suspect that is where the seeds are, but I’m just guessing here… it’s too late for botanical...
Photo of the Day: Taking it back

Photo of the Day: Taking it back

I loved how this plant was more or less growing out of the barbed wire on an old barracks area here in Schleswig. It is kind of symbolizing how nature is taking back that area, two years after almost all the buildings were removed, and who knows how many years before...