Photo of the Day: Poles

Photo of the Day: Poles

For quite long I could resist the call of the so popular “miniature effect”… but when taking this photo in the harbor of Kiel at the beginning of the month I already thought this would be a good chance to try it (especially as the other side of the...
Photo of the Day: Colors of April

Photo of the Day: Colors of April

Red tulips and purple grape hyacinths – a great color combination and they are growing in many towns here along public streets and places at the moment. So good to have more color again everywhere! This photo was taken this night at the harbor of Heikendorf, on...

Photo of the day: Incoming

This herring gull surprised us on a little canoe trip on the river Schwentine close to the state capital, Kiel. When I saw it coming with the low sun illuminating it from behind I just had enough time to quickly raise the camera and fire two shots. I love the position...