Photo of the Day: Poles

Photo of the Day: Poles

For quite long I could resist the call of the so popular “miniature effect”… but when taking this photo in the harbor of Kiel at the beginning of the month I already thought this would be a good chance to try it (especially as the other side of the...

Recovering an old photo print

Today I remembered to scan an old photo of myself that has been standing on various shelves since years… the color lost a lot of its brilliance and got somehow yellowish over time. Here is what I did to make it look like new again, using Photoshop (any other...

St. Peter and the Moon

Last monday I had an assignment in the cathedral of Schleswig. I am following the restoration-process of the organ there and visit it frequently at the moment. When coming out into the cold I saw the sky opening and revealing the moon just beside the impressive main...

The ancient Pilot

This image was taken last year on a model air show not far from here. Beside the obvious stuff (flying lawnmowers and the like) they also had some old real machines flying over the place. One of them was this old biplane, coming in low. I was looking for a good...