by Matthias Kirsch | Jan 31, 2011 | Photo of the day
Almost all the last days have been like this… foggy and dark. If you ask me, it’s time for a) some decent snow to brighten things up a little or b) the start of spring. The latter seems to be less likely right now, as it’s supposed to stay cold and...
by Matthias Kirsch | Nov 20, 2010 | Photo of the day
Two times we have been at this particular place at the east coast after sunset, and the light is just beautiful at this time. When the water is calm as it was on this day it has an almost surreal feel to it. I love how the slight movement of the birds adds to the...
by Matthias Kirsch | Oct 23, 2010 | Photo of the day
Yesterday was Friday, and I didn’t post a black and white photo – I simply got lost in time (that’s what holidays make of you…). Well then, let’s make a Saturday-b&W! This is a photo I took in Flensburg. A small boat with a fisherman...
by Matthias Kirsch | Sep 20, 2010 | Photo of the day
That’s what we were doing. We had just finished our second photography trip of the NDR workshop with Heinz Teufel (both to Flensburg) when heaven’s gates opened and a heavy rain made us flee below a big (sun) umbrella. Apart from that we had a great time,...
by Matthias Kirsch | Aug 26, 2010 | Photo of the day
This herring gull surprised us on a little canoe trip on the river Schwentine close to the state capital, Kiel. When I saw it coming with the low sun illuminating it from behind I just had enough time to quickly raise the camera and fire two shots. I love the position...