Photo of the Day: Flying in Circles

Photo of the Day: Flying in Circles

Here is one of the seagull photos from yesterday. Two women close to us saw how we were attracting the birds and tried the same to get some photos. That made up for this image of the birds circling close to them above the water. I like the geometry in the mess of the...
Photo of the Day: Feeling Life

Photo of the Day: Feeling Life

One of those cloudy, windy, perfect days at the shore. It’s great to watch the different cloud formations build up above the sea, hearing and feeling the waves breaking at the shore, feeling the wind in the hair… a time to feel the earth’s powers and...
Photo of the Day: Winter’s Good-Bye

Photo of the Day: Winter’s Good-Bye

Today is the last day of winter… finally! It brought some nice photos, like this one on the coast of the Baltic Sea. But I sure had enough of this cold windy weather… the least two and a half months were quite grey and dull. Photo data: Pentax K20D, 18-55...
Photo of the Day: Morning Breeze

Photo of the Day: Morning Breeze

There are few things as beautiful as an early morning at the water… a certain mistiness, soft warm light, and nothing to hear but the water and grass being moved by a slight breeze. That’s what this image reminds me of. Photo data: Pentax K20D, 50-200 mm...