Photo of the Day: Cloudy Afternoon

Photo of the Day: Cloudy Afternoon

Another darkish Sunday photo… we were supposed to get snow last night and today, but so far only some few flakes passed by. So everything remains grey and dark outside. I thought this photo from 2008 of the cathedral here in Schleswig would fit. Photo data:...
Photo of the Day: A Walk in the Park

Photo of the Day: A Walk in the Park

December 16, the day of the snow disaster in Schleswig-Holstein… supposedly. What we got was a normal Winter day, with some snow, but not the blizzard-like effects that were predicted. In the late afternoon we took a walk around the town. The Königswiesen park...
Photo of the Day: Woodwork

Photo of the Day: Woodwork

This altar is a miracle. It is from the 16th century and shows Jesus life with 392 figures carved from wood. Ant it is huge – more then 12 meters high. It was originally in the church of the Bordesholm monastery close to Kiel, but was moved to Schleswig in the...
Photo of the Day: Prospect

Photo of the Day: Prospect

It was a nice surprise for me when I got the latest (paper) newsletter of the Schleswig-Holstein history association earlier this week: This photo was on the cover! I took it for the organ association here in Schleswig when the new organ was completed in May this...
Photo of the Day: Enter

Photo of the Day: Enter

“Tritt ein” – “enter” is a sign that can be found on most churches here. It means that they are open for everyone to enter, relax, pray, marvel. When I entered the cathedral St. Peter in Schleswig for the first time it took my breath...