Photo of the Day: Little Cuties

Photo of the Day: Little Cuties

I have this photo in the waiting line since quite while, just love the delicateness of these small white blossoms. It is also in my calendar for 2011, but for this post I was trying a little different processing, making the single flowers stand out better. Photo data:...
Photo of the Day: Cheers

Photo of the Day: Cheers

When waling through Rendsburg last Saturday I discovered these beautiful glasses standing in front of a mirror in the window of an antiquities shop. I tried shooting though the window and got this. I like the minimalistic look here. We’re trying to de-clutter...
Photo of the Day: More snowy Sheep

Photo of the Day: More snowy Sheep

Looking through my archive I found another photo of the sheep standing in the falling snow. This is more or less what we had here yesterday… snowing for several hours, ending in around 5 centimeters of new snow. Photo data: Pentax K100D, 50-200 mm lens at 160...