Schlei:52 – Week 4

Schlei:52 – Week 4

This week brought back winter to the Schlei. On Wednesday the water was covered by a thin layer of ice, moved by the waves running below it. I can not show the sounds that it created, but the interesting contrast between the wavy and the frozen parts of the water....
Photo of the Day: Pink Beauty

Photo of the Day: Pink Beauty

Love these pink marguerites on our balcony… sadly their time is over. Here is some color as a memory of summer! Photo data: Pentax K20D, 40 mm 2.8 Limited lens attached reversely to 50 mm manual lens, f 1.7/f2.8, 1/60 second and ISO 200. Share this...

Photo of the day: Summer is fading

This photo of black-eyed susans was supposed to be part of a series of three postcards. Today I picked up the first test print.. terrible! It seems the printing service people were feeling bad for my photos, which lacked contrast and saturation… and cranked up...