Schlei:52 – Week 41

Schlei:52 – Week 41

Winter came along for a short visit on the weekend, bringing frosty mornings and clear, cold air. As I had hoped, I found the grass on the Schlei covered by a thin frosty layer on Saturday morning. The sky was blue and clear – but there were just enough clouds tot the...
Schlei:52 – Week 40

Schlei:52 – Week 40

Finally, last week we made the effort to get out early in the mornings. Right on the first day we got this rather cloudy sunsetwithout much color goodness above the Schlei close to Ulsnis. It was only some time later that the sun started to peek through the clouds and...
Schlei:52 – Week 39

Schlei:52 – Week 39

After some trips here and there with the new Nikon D7000, today was the time to take it out to the Schlei. On a small peninsula close to Ulsnis we found this small beach some months ago. I didn’t take photos here back then, but saved the place in my mind for...
Schlei:52 – Week 38

Schlei:52 – Week 38

We have seen this ship on this blog before, but in action close to the bridge in Lindaunis. This time it is lying at the bridge next to a small restaurant on the street entering Schleswig from the southwest. This is my last Schlei photo with my trusty Pentax. I...
Schlei:52 – Week 37

Schlei:52 – Week 37

Last Monday was my last day of a (well preserved) week off. My plan was to go to the Karlsburger Holz again, the forest where we saw the fighting deer. Instead, we cleaned the car (well preserved, as well), which took longer than we thought. We didn’t have...
Schlei:52 – Week 36

Schlei:52 – Week 36

One of the classical views for the Schlei area: The small ferry crossing the inlet in Missunde. Even if it can take a bit longer (especially on Sunday afternoons) than taking the regular road, this is a nice alternative when driving from Eckernförde to Schleswig. Not...