These roses are growing in front of the church in Tetenbüll on the Eiderstedt peninsula on the west coast. That area has more village churches from medieval times than most other area in Germany – wherever you are, you always see the top of a church tower. It helps that the peninsula is extremely flat. It is marshland and once consisted of three islands… now united in one flat green landscape.
The church in Tetenbüll has a role in my family’s history. My great-grandfather was pastor here, and before in the church of Westerhever, which is some kilometers more to the west.
It was difficult to deal with the dynamic range here. The roses were in bright sunlight, while the door with the cross was in shadow. I couldn’t prevent some rose leaves from blowing out, if I didn’t want the door to be pure black.
Photo data: Pentax K20D with 50mm manual lens, probably f 4 or 5.6 at 1/800 second and ISO 200.