It’s 2013 already! So – happy new year to everyone! The last year just rushed by, I feel like I just started my 52 photo project.

To close the Schlei:52 series I selected one of the classic Schlei views: The cathedral in Schleswig, fully lit in all it’s Christmas glory. St. Peter’s Cathedral doesn’t stand in the spotlights very often during the year, only for special occasions and in Christmas time, which is a shame for one of northern Germany’s most important churches.

I will use the next days to make a resume of the Schlei:52 project. What I know by now is that there won’t be a Schlei:52 part 2 – 2013 will be a busy year, and we will be moving further away from the Schlei. I also want to concentrate on other areas of photography and present my humble steps here on this blog.

More on that another time. Have a great start of 2013!

Schlei:52 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

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