Photo of the Day: Welcome Autumn

Photo of the Day: Welcome Autumn

There we have it. For many autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, so let’s hope it will bring us some great days and photo opportunities. This photo was taken one and a half weeks ago in the forest just north of the Lindaunis bridge over the Schlei. For...
Photo of the Day: In the Mist

Photo of the Day: In the Mist

Going out in full moon night in July was rewarding. We didn’t only see and take photos of the moon, but on the way back we saw the valley of the river Füsinger Au wrapped in rising fog. While we were standing beside the river the fog was moving across the field,...
Overlooked Beauty

Overlooked Beauty

There are times when you get surprised by your surroundings. Such was the case when Vanessa and me where on one of our spontaneous trips to go “somewhere” lately. We ended in a beautiful natural area just some 30 minutes north from here. Since long we...