Photo of the Day: No evil for evil

Photo of the Day: No evil for evil

“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.” (Romans 12) That’s what is said on the page that was opened in the book on the day we visited the Christkirche in Rendsburg. Around the church was a fair for charity of some local clubs and associations. Inside the noise...
Photo of the Day: Moonlit Night

Photo of the Day: Moonlit Night

The church of Haddeby on the south side of the Schlei is a beautiful little one. At least that’s what I can say judging from the outside – we’ve never been inside, even if is is so close and we pass by quite often. This photo is from the same night...
Photo of the Day: So small

Photo of the Day: So small

The main organ in the Frankfurt Cathedral is huge. Not so much when you see it in relation to the cathedral itself, though. I can never stop marveling about the sheer largeness of those gothic churches. While the cathedral in Frankfurt doesn’t belong to the...
Photo of the Day: Playing big

Photo of the Day: Playing big

On our stop in Paderborn on monday we also visited the cathedral with origins in the 8th century. A beautiful church, right beside the Pfalz (the place where the medieval Emperors used to stay on their travels through the Empire). The organ is one of the biggest one...