Photo of the Day: Once was a Rose

Photo of the Day: Once was a Rose

This rose was way over it’s best days when I took this photo of it. But even in that state it could still serve a good purpose and stand in as a model. I tried to build on the idea of the wilted flower and create a romantically shabby image with some textures I...
Photo of the Day: Fairy tale Streets

Photo of the Day: Fairy tale Streets

For our wedding anniversary we made a day-trip to Odense in Denkmark. We had a great time with sunny autumn weather. Odense is the town where the famous writer Hans Christian Andersen was born and grew up – and the small old streets sometimes look as if the came...
Photo of the Day: A Shoemaker’s Tools

Photo of the Day: A Shoemaker’s Tools

On Saturday we made a quick trip to Odense in Denmark. It is a beautiful small(ish) city on the island Fyn, Odense is mostly known for being the home of the famous writer of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen (who wrote the Little Mermaid, for example). We visited...

The ancient Pilot

This image was taken last year on a model air show not far from here. Beside the obvious stuff (flying lawnmowers and the like) they also had some old real machines flying over the place. One of them was this old biplane, coming in low. I was looking for a good...