Photo of the Day: The Trees

Photo of the Day: The Trees

I love a misty mood in a forest… even more when it is frosty! This was on the same walk as the photos of the previous post. The graphic/mysteriousness of the image made it appropriate for a black and white conversion… there was not much color anyway. Photo...
Winter Forest Way

Winter Forest Way

Before the snow masses came Winter showed his friendly side last Saturday, covering the area in beautiful white frost. I went for a walk on a forest way and through a moor close to here. This is what I saw in the forest (the moor photos will follow soon): Click here...
Photo of the Day: Christmas Decoration

Photo of the Day: Christmas Decoration

Everything is prepared here: Snow outside, the house decorated. Yesterday Vanessa fixed our balcony decoration made of pine branches, a chain of small lights and red balls made of glass… one fell down and disappeared in the snow though. It was already quite dark...
Photo of the Day: Cold Cherries

Photo of the Day: Cold Cherries

It’s snowing outside, and a lot! I saw these fruits in a garden in a on Sunday and have to admit that I’m not totally sure if this is an decorative cherry or apple tree…. there is one tree called “Cherry Apple” in German. The fruits look...